Chemical composition of scent secretion from the dorsal abdominal scent glands in nymph of Coridius janus (Fabr.)
Coridius janus, larvae, abdominal scent glands, GC-MS, scent secretionsAbstract
Insects of many varieties have developed various modes of chemical and behavioral defensive mechanisms. When disturbed, many hemipterans release a pungent and volatile fluid with an offensive odour. These secretions may be used by the bugs as defensive substances. In the present investigation, identification of scent secretions of Coridius janus (Fabr.) and chemical composition of the scent secretion of larval abdominal scent glands. Coridius janus possesses abdominal scent glands in larvae. The extraction of scent secretion from larvae of Coridius janus was collected with the help of micro capillaries and subjected to analysis by Gas chromatographic and Mass spectra (GC-MS) and compared with authentic samples. The scent components from the larvae showed a seven peaks, in which six compounds are identified consisting of 5-iso-propenyl pentyl amine, 1- dodecane, n-tridecane, Indole-3-acetic acid ethyl ester, N-methyl-dodec-6,10-diene-amine and 6,10-dodec-dienyl acetate, remaining one peak is not identified.
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