Physicochemical and Microbiological Analysis of Soil around Lonand City and adjoining Area of MIDC
Soil analysis, anthropogenic, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Bacteria, FungiAbstract
Soils on which plants depend for their nutrients, water and minerals supply. It contains number of salts, alkalis, organic matter and various biological systems. Soil is the region on the earth’s crust where geology and biology meet, the land surface that provides a home to plant animal and microbial life. Soil teems with microscopic life (bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa and viruses). Due to industrialization and other anthropogenic activities the soil gets polluted. Due to increasing relevance of these, the necessity of soil analysis is felt desirable. Also the contents vary from place to place .Soil sample were collected from around the Lonand MIDC area of various villages. Where the sugarcane & Onion is the main crop. In the present study soil sample were analyzed for their physical, chemical and Microbiology contents such as pH, Conductance, % of organic Carbon, Density of soil, Porosity of soil, Maximum water holding capacity of soil and various essential nutrients such as Nitrogen, Potassium & Phosphorous. Experimental observation show that high values of pH of soil sample indicate there is an excessive use of fertilizer. Results also shows that conductance also higher in sample no.5,6&9 indicate salt formation showing alkaline nature of soil which affects the yield of crop. Sample no.1, 3, 7 shows higher in nitrogen contents indicates use of excess nitrogenous fertilizer by farmer. Microbial analysis was carried out by serial dilution method. As soil is the indispensible part of all life process on earth its proper analysis is necessary
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