Development of mesonephros in paddle staged embryo of Hipposideros Speoris (Schnider), Chiroptera; Mammalia.
Bat, Embryo, Mesonephros, Histology, Renal tubuleAbstract
Embryo of Hipposideros speoris at the paddle stage of the development with a body mass 0.022g and CR length of 5.2mm is characterized by the well developed mesonephri. At this stage the mesonephros consists of the well developed Bowman’s capsules and the well developed mesonephric tubules opening into the mesonephric duct. Mesonephros shows the afferent glomerular vessel entering the glomerulus and the efferent glomerular vessel emerging out from the glomerulus and the mesonephric tubule originating from the glomerular lumen and leading into the mesonephric duct. In the mesonephri the dorsal large post cardinal vein and a ventral sub cardinal vein connected by the lateral collecting vein are also observed.
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