Macrophytes as a heavy metal scavengers at MIDC effluent stream
Heavy metals, Pollution, Linn, Zinc, PhytoremediationAbstract
Environmental heavy metal pollution is mainly of anthropogenic. Heavy metals are ubiquitous environmental contaminants in industrialized societies. Most plants are able to accumulate heavy metals from water and soil. In present study investigation was made on Croton tiglium Linn., Sonchus oleraceus Linn., Argemone mexicana Linn., Alocasia (Schott) G. Don and Cyperus Linn. to evaluate the efficiency of phytoremediation. Results revealed that among the heavy metals studied viz. Cadmium, Mercury and Zinc efficient system for phytoremediation is Croton tiglium Linn. and Sonchus oleraceus Linn. Results also conclude that the order of sensitivity of heavy metals studied towards the five plants is Zinc > Cadmium > Mercury.
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