An observation of courtship behavior of Gallinula chloropus


  • Dhande Abhishek R Dept. of Zoology, BP Arts, SMA Science and KKC Commerce College Chalisgaon, Dist. Jalgaon


Gallinula chloropus, Courtship behavior, Maharashtra


This document reports an observation of courtship behavior of Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus in Maharashtra. This occasional observation was made in the region of Chalisgaon Tehsil, Dist. Jalgaon. It was noted that the species prefer open areas near water bodies to perform courtship, also the time extent to which the courtship was displayed varied from previous reports.



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2. Wallau Gabriel Luz, Flora Franchesco Della, Bueno Anderson Saldanha , Corso Josmael, Ortiz Mauro Freitas & Cáceres Nilton Carlos (2009) Behaviour of the Common Moorhen in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

3. Lehner PN (1996) Handbook of ethological methods. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

4. Petrie M (1983) Female moorhens compete for small fat males. Science, 220:413–414.




How to Cite

Dhande Abhishek R. (2013). An observation of courtship behavior of Gallinula chloropus. International Journal of Life Sciences, 1(3), 239–240. Retrieved from