A comparison between representative types of Platyhelminthes in their nervous components
Helminthes, nervous system, enzymatic techniqueAbstract
A trial was made during this investigation to explore the nervous systems in some representatives of the main platyhelminthes groups, turbellarians, digeneans, monogeneans and cestodes. . Mesostoma ehrenbergi and Udonella caligorum were selected as representative of turbellarians,in addition to Temnocephala fulva, Phyllodistomum folium and Gorgodera vitelliloba as digeneas, Khunia scombri as monogenean, and a cyclophyllid Hymenolepis diminuta and a tetraphyllid, Phyllobothrium pirieri, as cestodes, using enzymatic technique(acetylthiochole iodide for esterases) . The nerves distribution, including both cerebral ganglia and their anterior connections and posterior nerve trunks, of each species, are given as revealed by this enzymatic technique.
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