A study on Zooplankton diversity and abundance in mangroves of Kali Estuary, Karwar, West coast of India


  • Vasanth Kumar B Department of studies in Zoology, Government Arts &Science College, Karwar- 581303, India
  • Roopa SV Department of Studies and Research in Marine Biology, Karnataka University P.G Centre, Kodibag
  • Gangadhar BK Department of studies in Zoology, Government Arts &Science College, Karwar- 581303, India


Zooplankton, Diversity, Abundance, Estuary, Mangrove, Karwar


The present study conducted at the mangrove ecosystem of Kali estuary. Samples were collected from the three fixed stations for the period of thirteen months from January 2008 to January 2009 at regular monthly interval to identify and quantify the abundance and relative ratio of zooplankton. In the present study of species diversity of zooplankton groups in the mangrove area, composed of twelve groups comprising fifty two species major share comes from the copepods which comprises about seventeen species. Protozoa taxa comprised by five species, coelenterata and cladocera by two species each, ctenophore comprised by single species whereas the larval forms comprised by fourteen species.


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How to Cite

Vasanth Kumar B, Roopa SV, & Gangadhar BK. (2013). A study on Zooplankton diversity and abundance in mangroves of Kali Estuary, Karwar, West coast of India. International Journal of Life Sciences, 1(4), 297–302. Retrieved from https://ijlsci.in/ls/index.php/home/article/view/1070