Dictyoartrinium anmorphic fungi from Amravati region (MS) India.


  • Hande DV Department of Botany,Shri Shivaji Science College Amravati(M.S.) India
  • Kadu SR Department of Botany,Shri Shivaji Science College Amravati(M.S.) India
  • Suradkar KP Department of Botany,Shri Shivaji Science College Amravati(M.S.) India


Dictyoarthrinium microsporum, Hyphomycetes fungi, Amravati


During mycological survey of Amravati District, many interesting fungi has been collected, among collected various species; a rare species Dictyoartrinium microsporum has been reported in during survey. For the specific identification of species; morphological characters and dimension of various fruiting bodies were studied. These collections proved to be distinct as such described here rare hyphomycetes fungal species. The exsicati of these fungi have been deposited in Ajrekar Mycological Herbarium of Agharkar Research Institute, Pune under their respective accession numbers. The present paper deals with description Dictyoarthrinium microsporum,


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How to Cite

Hande DV, Kadu SR, & Suradkar KP. (2013). Dictyoartrinium anmorphic fungi from Amravati region (MS) India. International Journal of Life Sciences, 1(4), 328–329. Retrieved from https://ijlsci.in/ls/index.php/home/article/view/1076