Assessment of biodeteriogens of intramural environment of Kanheri Caves


  • Satnam Singh Sohal Department of Botany, Maharshi Dayanand College, Mumbai.
  • Satish Bhalerao Department of Botany, Wilson College, Mumbai.
  • Hile Vijay Department of Botany, Bhavan’s Hazarimal Somani College, Mumbai.


Caves, Fungal spores, Pollen grains, bioparticulate matter


Kanheri caves are a group of rock cut monuments situated at Borivali National park surrounded by deep green forest.Kanheri caves represents Buddhist caves 475 m above sea level. Due to close proximity to urban settlement, these caves are well exposed to anthropogenic activities, pollution and weathering due to biological growth such as fungi, lichens, Algae and Bacteria. The present study focused on assessment of biodeteriogens of intramural Environment of Kanheri caves. The study was carried out for six months fromMarch to Aug 2013.For Petri plate fungal culture Rose Bengal streptomycin media was used .Sampling was carried out once a month.  Glycerin jelly coated Slides were exposed every 15 days and observed under the microscope. Fungal spores contributed maximum, Pollen grains and algal hyphae were also encountered during the sampling but not quantified. Miscellaneousbioparticulate matter such as plant parts like trichomes, insect parts were also observed.


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How to Cite

Satnam Singh Sohal, Satish Bhalerao, & Hile Vijay. (2013). Assessment of biodeteriogens of intramural environment of Kanheri Caves. International Journal of Life Sciences, 1–4. Retrieved from



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