Aeromycological Survey In Dairy Farm Near Bhedaghat, Jabalpur


  • Verma Karuna S Aeroallergens, Immunology and Angiosperm Diversity Lab, R.D. University, Jabalpur-01 (M.P.) India.
  • Sahu Manju Lata Aeroallergens, Immunology and Angiosperm Diversity Lab, R.D. University, Jabalpur-01 (M.P.) India.


Aeromycological, aeromycoflora, spores, indoor air, outdoor air, dairy Farm


Aeromycoflora of indoor and outdoor environments of a Dairy farm, Bhedaghat at Jabalpur were studied by Anderson Two Stage Air Sampler (Anderson 1958; 1966) for one year, from January – December, 2012. The indoor air showed higher number of spores than the outdoor air. Out of total 2080.2CFU/m3 fungal colonies were recorded the incidence of spores was significantly higher in indoor air (1370.7 CFU/m3) than outdoor air (709.5 CFU/m3). Out of the total fungal counts, 4 spore types belonged to Phycomycotina, 4 spore types belonged to Ascomycotina and 25 spore types to Deuteromycotina. Aspergillus was the most dominant spore type with 26.90% of occurrence in the indoor and 22.26% of occurrence in the outdoor air. Cladosporium was the most dominant spore type with 44.92% of occurrence in the indoor and 16.23% of occurrence in the outdoor air. Other dominant fungal spore types present in air were Penicillium, Curvularia, Fusarium, Rhizopusand Mucor. Fungal colonies were recorded throughout the year but highest in the month of March. Aeromycological survey showed that dairy workers were exposed to large quantities of fungal spores in their working environments, which is a potential risk factor as causative agent to different types of health problems.


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How to Cite

Verma Karuna S, & Sahu Manju Lata. (2013). Aeromycological Survey In Dairy Farm Near Bhedaghat, Jabalpur. International Journal of Life Sciences, 9–12. Retrieved from



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