Assessment Of Air Microflora In Selected Gardens In Dahisar
Air Microflora, Dahisar Gardens, Koch sedimentation method, microbial pollutionAbstract
The present investigation aims at assessment of the microflora present in the air of some selected gardens in Dahisar. The assessment of microflora of all the four selected sites was carried out using the Koch sedimentation method. The study revealed that the site 1 i.e. Riddhi Siddhi garden had 3913.41 cfu/m3 microbial load at the morning time which reduces to 1410.23 cfu/m3 in the evening. Similarly site 2 i.e. BMC garden has 21611.90 cfu/m3 microbial load which is the highest in the present research study observed during the morning time and it too reduced to 6416.58 cfu/m3. At site 3 and 4 the same observations have been noted where at site 3 i.e. Ever United garden, the morning microbial load was 10435.76 cfu/m3 which then reduced to 3149.50 cfu/m3 in the evening. Devyani garden which is the 4th site has shown the microbial load reduction by almost 5 fold, as the morning readings were 12184.45 cfu/m3 and the evening readings noted were 2725.99 cfu/m3. This study reveals that it is necessary to supervise the air quality of all the four sites periodically and take appropriate measures that would protect it from further excessive microbial pollution in the future.
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