Molluscan Diversity in Hattikuni Resrvoir, Yadgir District, Karnataka, India
The present study deals with the diversity of molluscans in Hattikuni reservoir, Yadgir District of Karnataka This study was undertaken for a period of two years from February 2014 to January 2016. Eleven species of molluscan identified in the reservoir of which 9 are gastropods and two belongs to bivalves. Among the gastropds, Melania (Palitia scabra), Melania scabra, Melania scabra var elegans, Melania tuberculata, Faunus ater Lymnaea luteola, Lymnaea acuminate, Planorbis exustus Bellamya bengalensis and among bivalves Parreysia corrugate and Lamellidens corrianus species were dominant in the reservoir. The molluscan community could be used as good bio-indicator for ecologically diverse freshwater habitat.
Keywords: Hattikuni Reservoir, Molluscans, Gastropda, Bivalve.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Siddaram L, Ramakrishna Reddy B

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