Aeroalgal Sampling Of A Cinema Hall
Aero-algae, Cinema Hall, Allergy, Public HealthAbstract
Aero-algal sampling, in an air cooled cinema hall, with approximate capacity of 1200 persons was attempted for the first time, to study impact of aero-algal forms on public health & also effect of air cooler on the occurrence of these forms. Sampling was done using rotarod air sampler with duration of 30 minutes exposure for each sampling. Out of 3 samples obtained (3 slides & 3 cultures), total 13 aero-algal forms belonging to cyanophyta & chlorophyta were identified. Forms such as Trentipholia (46.15%) was found to be dominant followed by Phormidium truncicola, Phormidium muscorum, Phormidium luridum, Merismopedia punctata, Chroococcus minutes, Microcystis stagnalis & Pleurococcus each representing (7.69%) respectively. Forms such as Microcystis & Phormidium reported to be allergenic to human being were also encountered. Further studies in this aspect are necessary, which will help to find out some remedial solution to minimise exposure to such health hazards.
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