Aerobiology, Epidemiology And Chemical Control Of Bean Rust


  • Meshram BM Department of Botany, Pune- 411018.
  • Shilpa Deotale Department of Botany, Pune- 411018.


Aerobiology, epidemiology, chemical control, bean rust


Bean rust caused by Uromyces phaseoli Artn. is a very common disease. The pathogen causes infection mainly through urediospores. Climatic factors and amount of inoculum in air are the most important in rust incidence. The spread of pathogen is favoured by cloudy humid weather with heavy dew and temperature of 21 – 25 0C.  Urediospores repeat the cycle within 5 days under favourable conditions. Three sprays of 0.2 percent Bayleten 45, 60 and 75 days after sowing gave the best chemical control of rust. Volumetric Tilak air sampler was used for air monitoring.


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How to Cite

Meshram BM, & Shilpa Deotale. (2013). Aerobiology, Epidemiology And Chemical Control Of Bean Rust. International Journal of Life Sciences, 84–87. Retrieved from



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