Intramural Dust Mites From Poultry And Flour Mill in Pune, India


  • Bansod Vaishali M Department of Zoology, Prof. R. More ACS College, Akurdi, University of Pune, M.S. India
  • Borde Sunita N Department of Zoology, Dr. B. A. Marathwada University, Aurangabad, M.S. India.
  • Lahot Sapna Department of Zoology, Dr. B. A. Marathwada University, Aurangabad, M.S. India.


Biodiversity, Mites, Prevalence


The Biodiversity of mites in dust of poultry and flour mill was investigated.. The mites were picked up from intramural dust ecosystem that is poultry farm and flour mill. Analysis of air was also done using Tilak Air Sampler. The dust from poultry farm was collected and scanned. The mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus were found more in number of the entire mite found in poultry, followed by Urodia spistecta, and Dermanyssus gallinae which is actual chicken mite. The observation revealed mite fauna exhibiting seasonal fluctuations. The mites were found in highest percentage in rainy season, moderate during winter season and least during summer season. Acarus siro mite was observed in the study of flour mill dust.


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How to Cite

Bansod Vaishali M, Borde Sunita N, & Lahot Sapna. (2013). Intramural Dust Mites From Poultry And Flour Mill in Pune, India. International Journal of Life Sciences, 101–104. Retrieved from



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