Effect of Air Pollution on Human Skin In Amravati City, Maharashtra


  • Mankar RN Department of Environmental Science, Shri Shivaji Science College, Amravati, India -444603
  • Ingole SP Department of Environmental Science, Shri Shivaji Science College, Amravati, India -444603


Air Pollution, Human Health, Skin, Amravati, India


On the air depends all the life forms of life.  The body of humans an cooled by contact of air but there air contain many air pollutant from dust to many toxic gaseous which result ageing of skin and many skin diseases many skin problem comes from the pollution problems, western countries have conducted serveral studies in this area but there are only few studies in developing countries like India.  In this backdrop, a study of air pollution effect on skin in Amravati city of Maharashtra has been undertaken.  The study and select was residential area and commercial area. Data shows an increasing in the skin problems due to increasing air pollution decreasing the air quality.  The hospital records also support the results obtained from the field study.  The children young generations are main victims of the skin disease.


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How to Cite

Mankar RN, & Ingole SP. (2013). Effect of Air Pollution on Human Skin In Amravati City, Maharashtra. International Journal of Life Sciences, 121–122. Retrieved from https://ijlsci.in/ls/index.php/home/article/view/1109



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