Effects of industrial pollution on pollen morphology of Cassia species
Cassia, , pollen morphology, LM, SEM, Industrial pollutionAbstract
Air pollution effects on pollen morphology of two species of Cassia viz. C siamia L. and C. fistula L were studied in industrial area (MIDC, Hingna), Nagpur. Civil lines area was considered as control area. In order to study impact of air pollution, pollen grains were subjected to LM and SEM (light and scanning electron microscopic studies). LM studies revealed that pollen grains in control area have shown clear exine pattern, trizonocolporate condition of pollen, whereas in experimental area shrinkage in its size and breakage of exine was noticed. SEM studies of pollen in experimental area have shown some particulate matter was attached to its surface. The studies have discussed the structural changes in pollen characteristics of Cassia siamia L. and Cassia fistula L. under the influence of air pollution.
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