Haematological study in the male Rat, Rattus rattus narbadae (hinton) during postnatal development stages


  • Makeswar Jyoti A Department of Zoology, Shri Shivaji Science College, Amravati – 444603, India.


Rattus rattus narbadae, Haemaological, Postnatal Satges, Dvelopment


The study is based on the examination of 70 male rats  Rattus rattus narbadae Collected at Amravati.  The size and weight of the first maturity of the rate, Rattus rattus narbadae is computed out to be 14.7 cm and 62.00 gms respectively. In immature group of rat Rattus rattus narbadae, Hb %, R.B.C. count increase steadily as the animal grows but the total W.B.C. count, differential count % decreases. In the post mature group all the concentration of blood does not markedly difference.


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How to Cite

Makeswar Jyoti A. (2014). Haematological study in the male Rat, Rattus rattus narbadae (hinton) during postnatal development stages. International Journal of Life Sciences, 2(1), 70–74. Retrieved from https://ijlsci.in/ls/index.php/home/article/view/1126