Study of Zooplakton Population In Shahanur Reservoir With Reference to Fishery Activity
Shahanur Reservoir, Zooplankton, Phytoplankton, Rotifers, CladoceransAbstract
Shahanur reservoir has a diverse assemblage of plankton and zooplanktons and are the most important biotic factor. In aquatic ecosystem, zooplankton and phytoplanktons are extensively studied. Production of zooplankton in co-ordination with organic inputs in the form of supplementary food is essential for optimum growth of fishes. In shahanur dam, specially rotifers, cladocerans, copepodes and protozoans are observed during 2008-2009. Major carps constitute the main fishery of the lake whereas catfishes and minor carps were smallest components of catch during 2008-2009. This paper discusses the various zooplankton population of shahanur reservoir with reference to the fishery activity.
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