Sub-lethal effects of methyl parathion on protein content of different tissues of Channa gachua
Channa gachua, Bromophenol blue, central column, GillsAbstract
Methyl parathion has a broad range of toxicity to many insect pests and has several agricultural applications. The present paper deals with the study of protein content of digestive tract and gills of Channa gachua induced by methyl parathion. Bromophenol blue test performed with methyl parathion exposure showed a gradual decrease in protein content with an increase in concentration and duration of toxicant level but in stomach columnar epithelium did not show any such response for different doses and duration. In intestine columnar epithelium, sub mucosa and circular muscles, protein remains unaffected. In the gills reduction of protein content was observed except in blood capillaries and central column.
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