Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) – A silent killer
Environmental Tobacco Smoke, Second hand smoke, Legislation, Awareness, IndiaAbstract
Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) is a form of air pollution which is twice as deadly as all other types of air pollution combined together. ETS refers to exposure to tobacco smoke from someone else's cigarette, cigar, or pipe smoke. Breathing in ETS is known as passive smoking, second-hand smoke - SHS, or involuntary smoking. Although majority of Indians are fully aware of the health risks associated with smoking, but the fact that exposure to tobacco smoke released by someone else is also harmful is little known. As a result million of non smokers in India are slowly and silently being exposed to deadly levels of ETS. Tobacco smoke consists of 10% solid particles-tar & nicotine and 90% gases mainly carbon monoxide and carcinogens such as formaldehyde and vinyl chloride. Safe level of exposure to ETS has not yet been determined; however the exposure levels can be evaluated by estimating carboxy hemoglobin or cotinine levels in blood/urine or level of nicotine in hair. The harmful effects of ETS include cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, lung cancer, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, middle ear infection, eye irritation, sore throat etc, Non-smokers living with smokers or those working in smoky atmosphere for long periods, asthma sufferers, pregnant women and children are more prone to health risks associated with ETS. Although stringent legislations exist in India but there is urgent need to strictly implement them. This along with mass awareness campaigns via media and educational institutes can help to achieve the goal of Smoke free India. The paper presents an appraisal of various aspects of ETS with special reference to India.
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