Biodiversity of Zooplankton in Pillowa Reservoir District Morena Madhya Pradesh, India
Zooplanktons, seasonal abundance, qualitative and quantitative astimation, Pillowa ReservoirAbstract
Zooplanktons play a vital role in the food web of aquatic ecosystems. They are good indicator of water quality. Present paper deal the qualitative and quantities estimation of zooplankton. The present study was done from June 2008 to May 2010 In all 27 species of zooplankton were identified. Among them 4 species belong to Protozoa, 10 species belong to Rotifera, 6 species belong to Cladocera, 5 species belong to Copepoda and 2 species belong to Ostrecoda. The zooplaktonic forms were exhibited as Protozoans were 9.50%, Rotifers with 54.84%, Cladocerans with 14.43%, Copepods with 15.70% and Ostracoda with 5.54%. The abundance of zooplankton in Pillowa reservoir followed a sequence as Rotifera > Copepoda > Cladocera > Protozoa > Ostracoda.
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