Zooplankton diversity in fresh water Wunna lake.


  • Pradhan VP Department of Zoology, St. Francis de Sales College, Nagpur 440 006 (MS) India


Zooplankton, sedimentation, lentic, ecosystem, fauna


Since times immemorial, fresh water has always been of vital importance to man and it is interesting to note that early habitations were within easy reach of lakes and rivers. Man’s primary concern with water was thought to be for drinking, cooking food and as means of cleaning. But with the passing of time, man realized the inherent mysteries of aquatic phenomenon and that water is the basis of all life activities. The rise in human population exploits more natural resources and its demands are met through the growth of industries. The industries and the urban sprawl discharge their waste in to the rivers. The deforestation process itself aggravates the sedimentation transport into the streams. The use of chemicals in agriculture for better production contaminates water through percolation. All these sporadic degrading activities have led to gradual deterioration in the quality of surface and sub-surface water. Management of lentic water bodies and their ecosystems has become a necessity for mankind’s endeavor to have a better quality of life. With the current development phase, every ecosystem is changing very fast and any such change exerts immense influence on the flora and fauna, hence physico-chemical and biological properties of a water body need to be monitored. The present study is aimed to study zooplankton diversity of a fresh water Wunna lake and its impact on the pollution status of the lake.


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How to Cite

Pradhan VP. (2014). Zooplankton diversity in fresh water Wunna lake. International Journal of Life Sciences, 2(3), 268–272. Retrieved from https://ijlsci.in/ls/index.php/home/article/view/1169