Status of Faunal Biodiversity and Threats to Wetlands of Barabanki District, Uttar Pradesh, India
Biodiversity, Ecological Status, Wetlands, Threats, BarabankiAbstract
Areas which remain waterlogged or submerged under water, seasonally or throughout the year are termed as wetlands. Wetlands provide valuable habitat for numerous wildlife, invertebrate, and plant species. Moreover, wetlands provide numerous other ecological services such as flood mitigation, abatement, nutrient cycling, aquifer recharge, improving water quality and providing other merchantable products. However, the loss and degradation of wetlands across the Barabanki has caused population declines of various flora and fauna. The present study is aimed at providing, in a nutshell, the distribution of wetlands, the value of wetlands, the causes and consequences of the loss of wetlands. Study is done in Barabanki and its associated areas during January 2013 to March 2014. Survey was carried out seasonally, on foot or vehicle according to the area. Observations were carried using line transect method with the aid of 10x50 binoculars and data was supported with photography using Canon EOS 1000 D SLR camera. Five wetlands Salaarpur Jheel, Kodwa Jheel, Bhagharr Jheel, Puraina Jheel and Khebli Jheel in Dewa, Barabanki exposed during study and all are unprotected site. All these wetlands harbor variety of flora and fauna and can be good ecotourism habitation except Khebli Jheel. Most of area of Khebli Jheel is encroached by Highland infra-build Company for housing construction works. The various threats such Excessive fish cultivation, Soil-digging, Farmers draining and converting it to agricultural land, Development activities, Poaching of water birds, wetlands Fire, Excessive cultivation of water chestnut, Overgrazing near wetland area, Excessive use of pesticides, Cultivation along the marginal areas of wetland cause encroachment and reduction in water spread etc. to the wetland area were also studied.
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