Traditional herbal remedies practiced by the herbal healers in the tribal regions of Maharashtra-India
Traditional herbal remedies, herbal healer, North-West MaharashtraAbstract
Since the origin of human race on this earth tradicinal medicines have greatly contributed towards quality health care of rural and tribal communities. During the ethanobotanical survey of the area under study, emphasis was given to collect information from traditional herbal healers i.e. Local medicine men, Mukhia or Mhorkyas of village, Bhagat, Vaidyas etc. on the sources and uses of indigenous medicinal plants in Northern and Western districts of Maharashtra. The indigenous knowledge of local herbal healers and plants used for the treatments of various ailments were collected through questionnaire and personal interviews. This communication presents information on medicinal uses of 33 species belonging to 32 genera and 24 families of Angiosperms and Ferns. Among the Angiospermic families Euphorbiaceae is dominant one with 4 species followed by Fabaceae and Loranthaceae of Angiospems and Cheilanthaceae of Pteridophytes with 2 species each. Present study provides novel reports of herbal remedies which have not been reported earlier or mode of administration differs from earlier report.
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