Phytoaccumulation of Heavy metals in Contaminated Soil using Makoy (Solenum nigrum L.) and Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) plant
Heavy metals, vegetable crop plants, dumpsite, Phytoaccumulation.Abstract
It is a common practice for farmers in India to use soils in municipal waste dump sites as fertile soil for the cultivation of a variety of leafy vegetables and the soils are also used as ‘compost’ by farmers without regards for the probable health hazards the heavy metal contents of such soils may purpose. This was the case of formers using the deserted dumpsite soil at Baxibandh municipal waste for their livelihood. It was concern that prompted the determination of heavy metals in the soil and control planting on Sheila Dhar Institute of Soil Science farm and that of the Makoy (Solenum nigrum L.) plant used to inactivate metals in dump soil. The concentration of heavy metal in the edible part of Spinach vegetable from the dump site and control: Pb (12.4-1.2 mg kg-1); Cd (0.65-0.26 mg kg-1) Zn (44.8-24.6 mg kg-1); Cu (24.2-11.8 mg kg-1) and Cr (0.08-0.04mg kg-1), respectively. The concentration of heavy metals in Makoy (Solenumnigrum L.) plant is Pb (45.6mg kg-1); Cd (1.44 mg kg-1) Zn (92.6mg kg-1); Cu (28.8 mg kg-1) and Cr (0.81mg kg-1) in Buxibandh dumpsite soil. The levels of heavy metals in the dumpsite soil and the soil after harvesting the makoy (Solenum nigrum L.) plant are Pb (116.4 -50.64mg kg-1); Cd (3.26-1.86 mg kg-1) Cr (2.24-1.72mg kg-1); Zn (184.4-108.6 mg kg-1) and Cu (58.2-24.24mg kg-1), respectively. The spinach species from the dump soil accumulates more heavy metals than that of the control. The level of heavy metals in dump soil decreases rapidly after harvesting the makoy (Solenum nigrum L.) plant.
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