Studies on survey of Fusarium wilt of pea in Eastern Uttar Pradesh
Pea fields, Pisum sativum, Pathogenicity, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisiAbstract
Thirty three villages of eight district of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India, were surveyed for the occurrence of wilt of pea. The disease incidence ranged in between 3.6 to 14.42 per cent from village to village. Maximum percentage of wilt incidence (12.88) was found in Sant-Kabir Nagar district while Ballia, Balrampur, Deoria, Gonda Gorakhpur, Kushinagar and Sultanpur exhibited 6.48, 9.35, 8.28, 8.49, 6.74,7.27 and 7.82 per cent respectively. Thirty seven fungal species were isolated from root pieces of wilted pea plants collected from the field. Amongst them four species were identified as Fursarium chlamydosporum, F. moniliforme, F. nivale and F. oxysporum.Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.pisi was found to be most virulent during pathogenicity test.
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