215 Insecticidal activity of Three Indian plant extracts against Collosobruchus Chinensis and C. maculatus
Insecticidal activity, Tagetes erecta, Ailanthus excelsa, Psoralia corylifolia Callosobruchus chinensis and Collosobruchus maculatusAbstract
The present paper is focused on insecticidal activity of extracts from three different plant species i. e. Tagetes erecta, Ailanthus excelsa and Psoralia corylifolia relatively, against Collosobruchus Chinensis and C. maculatus, which are very common in most of the part of India. All three plants are treated as medicinal plants in different parts of India. Tagetes and Ailanthus also used for insecticidal activity among tribal and rural areas of Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh and Psoralia is known as a good antiseptic among them also.
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