A Study towards Positive Approach of ITK and Changing Socio-Economic of Fisherwomen for Fisheries Development


  • Sushant Punekar Department of Zoology, Govt. Autonomous Post Graduate College, Chhindwara (M.P.) INDIA


Fisheries, Fisherwomen, Fish culture practices, Socio- economic status


Rural women role is important in freshwater aquaculture for development of fisheries because India vast and varied inland fisheries resources potentially one of the richest in the world. In the process of rural development especially fish framing has acquired special significance in the context if economic growth in rapidly changing socio-economic and socio-cultural climates both in developed and developing countries. Women are equally endowed with motivation and managerial capabilities in starting and running. The participation of fisherwomen in fisheries is well established and highlighted by several workers. The fisherman plays an important role in culture fisheries and they contribute about 43.54 % work in fish farming i.e. pond management practices, net making & care, post harvest techniques for smoked fish, trapa cultivation, and marketing of fishes. Results of study gave emphasis to train the fisherwomen as per their training needs, to increase knowledge, adoption and attitude about fish farming. The need of the hour is to utilize various development schemes for evolving profitable fish culture techniques, which can generate self-employment for rural women.


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How to Cite

Sushant Punekar. (2014). A Study towards Positive Approach of ITK and Changing Socio-Economic of Fisherwomen for Fisheries Development. International Journal of Life Sciences, 2(4), 389–393. Retrieved from https://ijlsci.in/ls/index.php/home/article/view/1191