Studies on the impact of fingerlings stocking on the production of Major Carps in a Minor Reservoir
Fingerlings, Stocking density, Minor reservoirs, Major carps, Fish yieldAbstract
Present study deals with impact of fingerlings stocking on the major carp production in a minor reservoir Manar, Nanded district. The water spread area is 15.2/ha and water is useful for Agriculture and fisheries activities. Fingerlings with 75-80mm size were stocked @2000/ha. Catla, Rohu, Mrigal, common carp and grass carp fingerlings were stocked @500/ha, 500/ha, 400/ha, 400/ha and 200/ha respectively. The fishes were harvested after one year. Survival rate was found to be 39.2%, 36.5%, 30.5%, 39.5%, and 31 % in Catla, Rohu, Mrigal, common carp and grass carp respectively. Major carps yield was found to be 662kg/halyr, which is more than Indian average reservoir fish production (29.07kg/ha/yr). Catla attained maximum growth, fol-lowed by common carp, grass carp, Rohu and Mrigal and all the carps attained more than 1 kg in one year and Catla (29.25%) yield was maximum, followed by Rohu (24.24%), common carp (23) 3.04%), Mrigal (14.59%) and grass carp (09.09%).
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