Diversity and distribution of Sphecoid Wasp in Koradi region Dist. Nagpur, India


  • Deshmukh CG Diversity and distribution of Sphecoid Wasp in Koradi region Dist. Nagpur, India


Sphecoid wasp, digger wasp


Sphecid wasps are a familiar and diverse group of solitary wasp. They are beneficial and harmless insect to human being. The present study was to know the diversity of sphecid wasp around Koradi region, Dist. Nagpur. The study recorded 8 species of sphecid wasp in 5 genera from 2 sub family. The subfamily Ampulicinae recorded 2 species from 2 genera while from subfamily Sphecinae 6 species under 3 genera. The most number of species recorded from the subfamily Sphecinae.


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How to Cite

Deshmukh CG. (2015). Diversity and distribution of Sphecoid Wasp in Koradi region Dist. Nagpur, India. International Journal of Life Sciences, 3(1), 36–38. Retrieved from https://ijlsci.in/ls/index.php/home/article/view/1204