Response of metabolites from culture filtrates of Alternaria species against Triticum aestivum L
Alternaria alternata, A. solani, metabolites, growth promoter, toxicity, Triticum aestivum LAbstract
Metabolites are known products of enzyme-catalyzed reactions that occur naturally within cell. The potential of metabolites of two Alternaria species, A. alternata, and A. solani from culture filtrate in Czapek’s nutrient broth, was investigated against Triticum aestivum L both in laboratory bioassays and in pots. In laboratory bioassays, the potential of culture filtrates of both Alternaria species was studied on seed germination and seedling emergence in blotter paper slots. The metabolites from 5-days culture filtrate of both Alternaria species enhanced seed germination rate by 9.6 - 10.2% while length of shoot, shoot fresh biomass, length of root and root fresh biomass of wheat seedlings was increased over control by 10-12%; 9-13%; 12-14% and 9-14% respectively. Rate of transformation of germinated seeds to normal seedlings was enhanced over control when treated with 5-days old culture filtrate. The toxicity of culture filtrate increases with longer duration of treatment. The toxicity appeared in 10-25 days old culture filtrates, significantly inhibited seed germination, shoot length, shoot fresh biomass, root length and root fresh biomass over control. In pot trials, foliar application of culture filtrates was made on 1-week and 2-week old wheat seedlings. The seedlings receiving 5-days old metabolites treatment of both Alternaria species markedly enhanced the shoot biomass while seedlings emerged from 10-25 days old metabolites treated seeds reduced the shoot biomass. The seedlings of 2-week age old were reported more susceptible to foliar spray than the 1-week old. The reduction in shoot biomass was more significant to 2-week old wheat seedlings when treated with 10-25 days old metabolites. It is revealed that metabolites from 5-days old culture filtrate of both Alternaria species resulted enhance effect, may be able to be used as alternative growth promoter while other treatments had inhibitory effects, and may be beneficial for destroying the weeds which reduce the productivity of economical important crops
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