Quantitative analysis of diversity during seasonal variations of Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP) by Quadrat Method
Seasonal variations, quadrat study, diversity, Shannon– Weiner Index (eH’), Simpson’s Reciprocal Index, IUCN Red Data ListAbstract
The Study intends to identify changes in biotic factors, especially in floristic diversity during different seasons with help of quadrat study in Shilonda trail of SGNP that is protected by Park Management. The study further aims at drawing a conclusion in terms of differences in Floristic Diversity of the Site calculated by Simpson’s Reciprocal Index and Shannon – Weiner Index during monsoon, post – monsoon and winter seasons. On calculation, Simpson’s Reciprocal Index for the Site during monsoon was estimated to be 29.82 while Shannon – Weiner Index was recorded to be 40.253. During post – monsoon the diversity expressed by the Simpson’s Reciprocal Index was 29.1 and 38.0 by Shannon – Weiner Index. Similarly for winter, Simpson’s Reciprocal Index was calculated to be 12.75 and Shannon – Weiner Index was 14.839 Through the study it has been observed that Shilonda Trail houses species identified under IUCN Red Data List of Threatened Plants, namely, Gloriosa superba L.; enlisted as threatened. Dipcadi saxorum Blatt. and Chlorophytum borivilianum Santapau & R.R.Fern., both endemic and endangered species have also been recorded in the Site, during the monsoon season. It can be concluded that seasonal variations have a profound effect on species and genetic diversity of the Site under study.
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