Amino acid analysis of three accessions of Physalis philadelphica


  • Rao Padmavathi S P.G. Dept. of Botany, J. M .Patel College, Bhandara - 441904 (MS), India


Physalis philadelphica commonly called as Mexican husk tomato is widely grown as a minor crop and extensively used in western countries as it responds positively to any type of soil and climate. The fruits are used for the preparation of curries, jams, sauces and jellies and the taste is similar to tomato. A steroid Physalin extracted from leaves and roots has prophylactic and therapeutic properties for treating infections caused by protozoans. Also it is used in autoimmune diseases and it acts as anti-leukemic agent. The Mexican people use decoction of calyces for diabetes. This species attracts considerable attention because of its economic as well as medicinal properties. Information relating to the biochemical work on species of Physalis is meagre. Therefore with a view to study the biochemical variability, three accessions of Physalis philadelphica from different sources were collected and to employ these three accession in biochemical investigations to study qualitative and quantitative analysis of free and protein amino acids and their effect on the morphology of the three accessions.


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How to Cite

Rao Padmavathi S. (2015). Amino acid analysis of three accessions of Physalis philadelphica. International Journal of Life Sciences, 3(1), 115–117. Retrieved from