Impact of Heavy metal, Arsenic trioxide on Biochemical profile of teleost, Clarias batrachus (Linn.)


  • Pundir Garima Department of Zoology , R. G. (P.G) College, Meerut UP, India
  • Pundir Himanshu Department of Computer Science and Technology, Radha Govind Engineering College Meerut UP, India,


Arsenic trioxide, Clarias batrachus, Lethal concentration, Acid phosphatase, Alkaline phosphatase


The present investigation aims at evaluating the toxic effect of heavy metal, Arsenic trioxide on biochemical profile of Clarias batrachus after 30, 45 and 60 days of post treatment with experimental chemical , arsenic trioxide. Lc 50 value calculated for sublethal study of arsenic trioxide was 8.7 mg/l. Following biochemical parameters were analysed: Serum Protein, Serum Cholesterol. Serum Glucose, Acid phosphatase and Alkaline phosphatase. Decrease in serum protein observed in present study was due to liver cirrhosis or nephrosis. Increase in cholesterol indicated environmental stress in Clarias batrachus .The significant reduction in plasma glucose levels during acute treatment indicates hypoxic condition. Increased stimulation of alkaline phosphatase corresponds to pathological processes as liver impairment, kidney dysfunction and bone disease.


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How to Cite

Pundir Garima, & Pundir Himanshu. (2015). Impact of Heavy metal, Arsenic trioxide on Biochemical profile of teleost, Clarias batrachus (Linn.). International Journal of Life Sciences, 3(2), 141–146. Retrieved from