A floristic survey of flowering plants from Vidyabharati Mahavidyalya Campus, Amravati (Maharashtra) India


  • Wagay Nasir Aziz PG Department of Botany, Vidyabharati Mahavidyalaya, Camp, Amravati-444602, India
  • Deshmukh VR PG Department of Botany, Vidyabharati Mahavidyalaya, Camp, Amravati-444602, India
  • Rothe SP Department of Botany, Shri Shivaji College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Akola-444003, India


taxonomy, explored, survey, diversity, conservation


One of the grand tasks of current taxonomy is to prepare a checklist of plants of the globe. This work is largely based on collecting information from regional floras and databases. Till this date, the progress is relatively slow, as the number of common names, synonyms, poorly resolved aggregates is high. For this purpose regional flora, checklists and databases with reliable taxonomy and complete coverage of critically examined data are required. The majority of novelties come from the tropics; but certain areas remain poorly explored as well, and numerous species in these areas still await recognition. In the present work, the studied area is Vidyabharati Mahavidyalaya campus which is situated in the prime location of the Amravati city. Amravati is a district in the state of Maharashtra with its district headquarters situated at 20˚55ˊ33̎ N and 77˚ 45ˊ53̎ E. The district is situated at 343m (1,125ft.) asl. The present study deals with the floristic diversity of campus in the former sense, i.e., the number of individual species in the area. The present paper attempts to highlight the diversity of vast plant resources of the campus in a conservation perspective. A total of 91 species of flowering plants are documented in which 43 were herbs, 25 shrubs, and 24 angiospermic trees distributed in 22, 13, and 12 families respectively.


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Bentham G and Hooker JD (1862-1883) Genera plantarum London, 3 vols. Cooke T (1901-1908) The Flora of the Presidancy of Bombay. London, 2 vols. Reprinted edition, 1958, B. S. I. Kolkata. Dhore MA (1986) “Flora of Amravati district” Naik VN (1966) A New crotalaria species from Osmanabad District, India. For 92 (12): 760- 761. Naik VN (1977) Key to Angiospermic Families and certain Genera of Marathwada Aurangabad. Naik VN (1998) Flora of Marathwada 2 vols. Singh NP and Karthikeyan S (2000) Flora of Maharashtra State, Dicotyledones. Vol. I. BSI,Calcutta. Singh NP, Lakshminarasimhan P, Karthikeyan S and Prasanna PV (2001) Flora of Maharashtra State, Dicotyledones. Vol. II. BSI, Calcutta.




How to Cite

Wagay Nasir Aziz, Deshmukh VR, & Rothe SP. (2015). A floristic survey of flowering plants from Vidyabharati Mahavidyalya Campus, Amravati (Maharashtra) India. International Journal of Life Sciences, 3(3), 249–254. Retrieved from https://ijlsci.in/ls/index.php/home/article/view/1245