Phytotoxicity of Profenofos 50% EC (Curacron 50 EC) to Vigna radiata, L. seedlings: III. Studies on Secondary metabolites and enzymes


  • Mishra IP P.G Department of Botany & Biotechnology, Khallikote University(formerly Khallikote Autonomous College) Berhampur-760 001, Odisha, India,
  • Sabat G and Mohanty BK P.G Department of Botany & Biotechnology, Khallikote University(formerly Khallikote Autonomous College) Berhampur-760 001, Odisha, India


Profenofos, organophosphate, seedlings, morphology, pigments


Profenofos 50% EC (Curacron 50 EC) is a hazardous pesticide commonly used in agriculture is also an important contaminant of environment. Its presence in biological system has gained importance due to bioaccumulation in food chain. The phyto-toxic effect of profenofos was assessed based on the secondary metabolites like Phenolic Compounds, Flavinoids) and Enzymes of the test species, Vigna radiata, L. The concentrations of pesticide chosen were based on EC50 and are in the range of 0.02, 0.05, 0.08, 0.1 and 0.2 % of profenofos. The changes in phenol and flavinoids enzymes (peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase) are not dose dependant but the catalase enzyme activity was profenophos concentration dependant.


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How to Cite

Mishra IP, & Sabat G and Mohanty BK. (2015). Phytotoxicity of Profenofos 50% EC (Curacron 50 EC) to Vigna radiata, L. seedlings: III. Studies on Secondary metabolites and enzymes. International Journal of Life Sciences, 3(4), 351–359. Retrieved from