Comparative study of macrozoobenthos of Kunghada Bandh lake and Chamorshi lake, tah. Chamorshi, Dist. Gadchiroli, (India)
Macrozoobenthos, Chamorshi Lake, Kunghada Bandh, GadchiroliAbstract
The present study deals with the qualitative and quantitative comparison between macrozoobenthos of Kunghad Bandh lake (20.22˚N - 80.01˚E) and Chamorshi Lake (19.55˚N - 79.52˚E). The collection and analysis of macrozoobenthos were done once in a month during two years i.e. February 2012 to January 2014. Total 19 species of macrozoobenthos were observed in Kunghada Bandh lake and 18 species in Chamorshi Lake belonging from phylum Annelida, Arthropoda and Mollusca. It is concluded that both the Lakes are rich in diversity of macrozoobenthos. Kunghad Bandh lake is shows slightly more diversity and quantity of macrozoobenthos as compare to Chamorshi Lake, due to good quality of water.
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