Studies on micromorphology of leaves in some members of genus piper linn.


  • Dassharma Kakoli Department of Botany, Bhavan’s College, Andheri (W) India
  • Ravnang Pratik Department of Botany,Savitribai Phule Pune University, Ganeshkhind,Pune-411007


Piper, Stomatal complex, Paratetracytic, trichomes, taxonomic value, Intrageneric classification


Stomata, the vital gate between plant and atmosphere may play a central role in plant vegetation responses to environmental conditions, which have been and are being investigated from molecular and whole plant perspectives, as well as at ecosystem and global levels. Stomatal diversity in foliar epidermis has great value in plant systematic studies. The present work deals with the anatomical investigations with respect to stomatal complex in genus Piper belonging to family Piperaceae where an attempt has been made to recognize the taxonomic value of genus Piper. Stomatal complex of eight species of genus Piper has been studied for the present work. The species are as follows: P. chaba, P. pedicellosum, P. sylvestre, P. talboti, P. boehmeriaefolium, P. lonchites, P. miniatum, P. galeatum. Three types of stomata were observed: paratetracytic, staurocytic and anisocytic. All the species show the presence of stomata on the lower epidermis only. P. galeatum was noticed with combination of two types of stomata on its epidermis. Rest all the species were found to show single type of stomata. The observations suggest the predominance of paratetracytic stomata followed by and staurocytic and anisocytic type. Detailed study of foliar trichomes in the above mentioned species showed abundance in glandular trichomes. Under glandular trichomes, types of unmodified epidermal cells and modified epidermal cells were found to be persistent. Interestingly, eglandular trichomes of type trichome apex obtuse were also noticed in two species. P. boehmeriaefolium was been observed with both glandular as well as eglandular type of trichomes.


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How to Cite

Dassharma Kakoli, & Ravnang Pratik. (2015). Studies on micromorphology of leaves in some members of genus piper linn. International Journal of Life Sciences, 3(4), 379–386. Retrieved from