G-6-PD deficiency and Sickle cell anaemia in Badhiys Muslims of Purnia District (Bihar)
G-6-PD deficiency, sickle cell anaemia, Badhiya Muslims, malarial endemicity and Purnia districtAbstract
G-6 PD deficiency and sickle cell anaemia were studied in Badhia Muslims of Purnia distrct (Bihar) which are migrated from West Bengal. In a sample size of 509, no case of G-6 PD deficiency and sickle cell anaemia were observed. Once upon a time, Purnia district was popularly known as Kala Pani due to its bad climate and malaria was endemic in this area. However, now a day the climate has improved and the area is not endemic to malaria. It needs further investigation to know if there is any correlation between decreasing trends of malaria with G-6-PD deficiency, and sickle cell anaemia
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