The ecological impact of invasive Trematode Parasites of Common toad (Bufo melanostictus) found in bank of Saryu River along Chapra town and effect of flanking population


  • Seema Kumari P.G. Department of Zoology, J.P. University Chapra, India
  • Vishwranjan P.G. Department of Zoology, J.P. University Chapra, India
  • Prashant Kumar P.G. Department of Zoology, J.P. University Chapra, India


Bufo melanostictus, Trematode, Saryu River, Bufotoxins


Incidence of Trematode Parasites of Common tode (Bufo melanostictus) has been studied in bank of Saryu River along Chapra town during 2010- 2013. Chapra is the District Head quarter of Saran. This study shows the Trematodes found in common tode of this area and this is worse condition of the population situated near the bank of Saryu River. Trematodes can be found anywhere where untreated water and human waste is spread out. A simple food chain and contamination of food and water is follows the infectious route. Out of total 1328 Toades (Bufo melanostictus) collected and examined, trematodes were 450 (57.3 per cent). The rate of infection of trematodes was higher in sex-wise female’s 256 (34.5 per cent) males 194 (33.1 per cent). Pollution due to sewage and excreta waste of town increase the infection of toad and flanking population.


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How to Cite

Seema Kumari, Vishwranjan, & Prashant Kumar. (2016). The ecological impact of invasive Trematode Parasites of Common toad (Bufo melanostictus) found in bank of Saryu River along Chapra town and effect of flanking population. International Journal of Life Sciences, 4(1), 129–132. Retrieved from