Stem Cells: Spatio-temporal Diversity and Therapeutic Applications


  • Chaudhary Pankaj Kumar Department of Zoology, School of Life Sciences, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra, India
  • Mishra Kamlesh Kumar Department of Biochemistry, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India
  • Chaudhary Jitendra Kumar Department of Biochemistry, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India


Stem cells, anatomical niche, paracrine, autocrine, cellular intercourse, spatio-temporal diversity, therapeutic relevance


Stem cells are cells of special kind with immense self-renewal and differentiation/trans-differentiation potential. Therefore, they are capable of providing various functional, structural and homeostatic supports to almost all kind of tissues and organs throughout the life. They are pervasive, and found to reside in almost all the organs, especially within the organ-specific anatomical niche so as to provide optimal access for better performance and tissue homeostasis as well as can be used as cellular backup, help repair damage and maintenance of concerned organs. These organ’s in-built niches and microenvironments help maintain substantial repertoire of stem cells throughout life of multicellular organisms. These cellular repertoires of stem cells, however, decline with the age and deteriorating health status of an individual. Furthermore, meticulous research works of several decades have broadened and deepened our horizon of multidimensional understanding about the pervasive cellular intercourse observed between stem and non-stem cells at the cellular, molecular and biochemical levels. Stem cells have immense potential of intracellular, such as autocrine and intercellular, such as paracrine, communications, as well as communications with the genetically, structurally and functionally distinct cell types located somewhere else in the body. In this work, we have tried to throw light upon such a structurally and functionally kaleidoscopic cell entity, with special emphasis on their spatio-temporal diversity and therapeutic relevance in ever changing disease dynamics at molecular and cellular levels.



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How to Cite

Chaudhary Pankaj Kumar, Mishra Kamlesh Kumar, & Chaudhary Jitendra Kumar. (2016). Stem Cells: Spatio-temporal Diversity and Therapeutic Applications. International Journal of Life Sciences, 4(1), 151–158. Retrieved from