Electromyography (EMG) Assessment of Masticactory Muscles in evaluation of Splinting and exercise of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)


  • Hegazy Megahed Altamimy Rheumatology, Physical medicine and rehabilitation Department faculty of medicine
  • Mohamed Sobhy Rezk Rheumatology, Physical medicine and rehabilitation Department faculty of medicine
  • Mohammed Mohammed Abdelkareem Rheumatology, Physical medicine and rehabilitation Department faculty of medicine
  • Hamdy Samy Nassr Rheumatology, Physical medicine and rehabilitation Department faculty of medicine
  • Essam Ali Taman Maxillofacial and plastic Surgery Department
  • Raafat Alghetany Mohamed Ali faculty of Medicine, Dental faculty of Medicine Alazhar University, Cairo.
  • Hossam Ibrahim Abdelhamid Radiology Department Alazhar University, Cairo.


Temporomandibular joint, exercise program, splint, electromyography, magnetic resonance image (MRI)


This study assed activity of masticatory muscles by electromyography with comparing the efficacy of exercise program and different splinting methods of anterior disc dislocation. Twenty patients with anterior disc dislocation without reduction divided into two groups; one for centric splint(n=10)& the other one for the anterior repositioning splint(n=10). It was found that, there was a statistically significant decrease in mean joint pain scores through all periods in the both treatment and statistically significant difference between duration and amplitude of motor unit of anterior temporal and Masseter muscles of the two groups. There was no a significant difference between duration and amplitude of motor unit of anterior temporal and Masseter muscles of the two groups before and after treatment at three months with highly significant difference of the two groups before and after treatment at six months, on MRI, there was marked reduction of joint effusion of temporomandibular joint in both groups.


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How to Cite

Hegazy Megahed Altamimy, Mohamed Sobhy Rezk, Mohammed Mohammed Abdelkareem, Hamdy Samy Nassr, Essam Ali Taman, Raafat Alghetany Mohamed Ali, & Hossam Ibrahim Abdelhamid. (2016). Electromyography (EMG) Assessment of Masticactory Muscles in evaluation of Splinting and exercise of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD). International Journal of Life Sciences, 4(2), 161–168. Retrieved from https://ijlsci.in/ls/index.php/home/article/view/1290