Alleviation of Ibuprofen induced Nephrotoxicity by vitamin supplementations


  • Kalaivani B
  • Thangapandiyan K Department of Zoology, Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore - 641 046.
  • Vanithakumari G Department of Zoology, Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore - 641 046.


Ibuprophen, nephrotoxicity, B complex, Vitamin C


The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of the combined administration of vitamin B complex and ‘C’ on ibuprofen induced nephrotoxicity. Male albino rats were subdivided into five groups: the first was a control group, the second and third received Ibuprofen at a low and high dose of 1.5 mg and 3 mg/ 100g body weight / day respectively for 7 days, the fourth group received high dose and vitamin supplementation (B complex and C) at a dosage of ml /100g body weight, the fifth group rats received high dose (3 mg) of ibuprofen for seven days followed by withdrawal of drug for a further seven days. No significant changes were observed in the histopathology of kidney tissues in the control rats. The Ibuprofen treatment affects the histopathology of kidney. Low dose treatment group, minor glomerular abnormality (increase in size). In high dose also increase in size of glomerulus was observed. Many proximal convoluted tubules showed hydropic changes, coagulation necrosis and degeneration with inflammation treated group showed normalcy of the histoarchitecture of the kidney. Regeneration was started in the withdrawal group.


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How to Cite

Kalaivani B, Thangapandiyan K, & Vanithakumari G. (2016). Alleviation of Ibuprofen induced Nephrotoxicity by vitamin supplementations. International Journal of Life Sciences, 4(2), 203–206. Retrieved from