Primary Production in Tropical Wetlands of Aligarh Region, Northern India: A Limnological Study


  • Syeed A Untoo Department of Zoology, Islamia College of Science and Commerce, (ICSC) Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir-190001, India
  • Gagloo MD Department of Zoology, Islamia College of Science and Commerce, (ICSC) Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir-190001, India
  • Sarvar S Department of Zoology, Islamia College of Science and Commerce, (ICSC) Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir-190001, India


Primary production, wetlands, trophic levels and seasonal fluctuations


Primary production has been used as a potential index of productivity of a given aquatic ecosystem. Rich wealth of primary producers constitute a significant position in trophic levels of wetlands. Primary production studies in these wetlands showed fluctuations in net and gross primary production along with community respiration and chlorophyll content. These parameters showed bimodal fluctuations in primary productivity showing peaks of higher rates of net primary productivity during summer and post monsoon seasons except at one wetland during investigations where it shows peaks during summer, monsoon and post-monsoon periods. Seasonal fluctuations in the rate of primary production do not remain same throughout the year.


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How to Cite

Syeed A Untoo, Gagloo MD, & Sarvar S. (2016). Primary Production in Tropical Wetlands of Aligarh Region, Northern India: A Limnological Study. International Journal of Life Sciences, 4(2), 267–273. Retrieved from