Effect of Induced Environmental Factors on the Neurosecretory Cells


  • Ragde Vinod KET’s V.G. Vaze college, Mumbai - 81
  • Pradhan Vidya S Maulana Azad College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
  • Shaikh MM Dr. Rafiq Zakaria College for Women, Naukhanda, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India


Spodoptera Litura, Neurosecretory Cells, Environmental Factors, Potassium chloride, sodium chloride, Distilled water, Temperature


In the present study an experimental work was carried out to reveal the
effect of induced environmental factors on the neurosecretory cells of
Spodoptera Litura and the effect of temperature on
neuroendocrine cells of Spodoptera Litura. Potassium chloride, sodium
chloride and Distilled water were used as induced artificial factors.
Male insects were used to find out the effects of Potassium chloride,
sodium chloride and Distilled water on the neurosecretory cells of
Spodoptera Litura while female insects were used to find out the effect on
temperature on neuroendocrine complex. Four groups of insect were
made for the experiments. 24 μl of 2 % potassium chloride solution was
injected in first group. 25 μl of 2% sodium chloride solution was injected
in second group.25 μl double distilled water was injected in third group.
The fourth group served as control.
Effect of Potassium chloride: fair distribution of AF - positive secretory
material was observed in the 'A' cells of the median neurosecretory cell
group of pars intercerebralis of the brain. After six hours of injection, 'A'
cells were deprived of the AF positive material.
Effect of sodium chloride: After six hours of injection the neurosecretory
'A' cells were flooded with AF positive material. After twenty four hours of
injection The 'A' cells increased considerably. After forty eight hours of
injection, 'A' cells showed only negligible amount of stainable granules.
After seventy two hours stainable material was observed in the ‘A’ cells.
Effect of distilled water: After six hours of the injection the 'A' cells
showed degranulation. After twenty four hours, decrease in the nuclear
diameter was observed in ‘A’ cells. After forty eight hours of the injection
the ‘A’ cells showed accumulation of AF positive material. After seventy
two hours, diameter of the nuclei increased this differed than that of
Effect of temperature: High temperature supports the production of high
rate of neurosecretory material while low temperature decreases the
production of neurosecretory material in the moth Spodoptera litura.


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How to Cite

Ragde Vinod, Pradhan Vidya S, & Shaikh MM. (2016). Effect of Induced Environmental Factors on the Neurosecretory Cells. International Journal of Life Sciences, 4(2), 274–280. Retrieved from https://ijlsci.in/ls/index.php/home/article/view/1307