Study of Identification of Fungi from Infected Black gram Plant from Barshitakali Taluka, Dist. Akola (MS) India
Black gram, TAU-1 and 2, Fungi and pathogensAbstract
Identification of fungi from infected black gram plant was carried out in present investigation. Various fungal pathogens were identified from black gram plants with respect to different localities and different varieties at field condition. Black gram samples were collected from regions of Barshitakli, taluka. Total nine and twelve fungi were identified from two variety of black gram TAU-1 and TAU-2 respectively. Black gram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) is one of the most widely used pulse crop of India. Black gram was found in ancient Indian literature like Kautilya Arthasastra and Charkas Charka samhita. It is widely cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions of the world including India, Iran, Malaysia, East Africa and many southern European countries.
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