A review of Neonatal mortality in Dogs
Bacterial contamination, Dog, Milk, Neonatal mortality, ReviewAbstract
Neonatal period within veterinary medicine is considered to be the transitional phase from fetal to adult life during which there is changes in structural and functional systems of the animal. It is also the period when the systems of the animal move from the physical, chemically, and microbiologically protected environment of the uterus to face the adaptive requirement for survival in a complex environment. Neonatal mortality in dogs has caused a lot of loss among dog breeders and has always posed threats on the survival of young dogs especially exotic breeds. The causes of neonatal mortality in dogs are multi-factorial. Some of the risk factors may be classified as fetal, maternal, environmental and scoring risk factors. Proper knowledge on the associated risk factors will help to reduce the rate of neonatal mortality in dog thereby improving on dog breeding.
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