Analysis of Uranium Concentration, and 235U/238U Activity Ratio in Low Grade uranium Ore material by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and Gamma Ray Spectrometry Technique
Uranium Ore, 235U/238U Activity Ratio, Gamma ray Spectrometry, ICP-MSAbstract
In this study, uranium concentrations (ppm) and the natural activity ratios (235U/238U) in 6 representative samples of uranium ore samples were analyzed. The samples were collected from Gattar II ore site, which is located at the Red Sea northeastern desert of Egypt. The samples were measured using HPGe gamma ray detector (non-destructive technique) based on the measurement of the emitted gamma rays of uranium by using the photo peaks 163.33 keV for 235U to avoid the overlapping with 186 keV of 226Ra, and the 1001.03 keV photo peak of 234mPa daughter for 238U concentration respectively. The uranium concentrations of the same analyzed samples were determined using ICP-MS (destructive technique) for comparison. Sharp correlation (R2 =0.9881) was found between uranium concentration measured by non-destructive gamma ray spectrometry and that measured by destructive ICP-MS for the same analyzed samples.
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