Heterosis and gene action studies involving aromatic lines for grain quality traits in rice
Heterosis, Kernel Length, L/B ratio, Aroma, ProteinAbstract
Sixteen crosses developed from four aromatic lines and four non scented testers were evaluated for various grain quality traits to assess the heterosis of the crosses and to identify best combinations. The estimates of heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis were variable among the crosses. Heterosis in desirable direction was recorded for important quality attributes viz., head rice recovery ( 22.16%), kernel length (10.28%), L/B ratio (12.84%), kernel elongation ratio (14.17%), volume expansion ratio (22.10%), aroma (35.21%), alkali spreading value (45.32) and Protein (19.95). Some of these heterotic crosses have turned out to be best specific crosses and exhibited desirable per se. Among the heterotic crosses Yamini/MTU1010(Milling Recovery), Pusa1121/BM-71(Kernel Length), Ranbir Basmati/BM71(Kernel Breadth, L/B ratio), Pusa 1121/MTU1081(Kernel Length after Cooking), RNR2354/BM71(Kernel Elongation Ratio), Yamini/Sye632003(Aroma, Alkali spreading value) and Pusa1121/BM71(Protein) were found to be superior, expressing heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis in desirable direction. Quality attributes viz., milling recovery, head rice recovery, kernel length after cooking, kernel breadth after cooking, kernel elongation ratio and aroma exhibit non-additive gene action. The results of the present study indicated the potential of these parental lines in the improvement of grain quality of rice hybrids.
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